[Podcast]: Guided Meditation - Season 2

Started on May 17

New Episode: Every Friday

Journey: We walk with you in…

  • Meditation

    Online (Youtube/Podcast) space to practice meditation and spend time being in God’s presence every Wednesday. “Be still and know“ that He is God!

  • Discernment

    Seeking deeper connection with God? In need of discernment? Meet with a spiritual director and listen for the Voice of Love and journey onward as a God’s beloved.

  • Contemplation

    Our communities exist to deepen the Church’s intimacy with Christ and its impact in the world. ReWire HUB provides resources for your contemplative journey.


God’s dwelling place is called the Holy City. Therefore, in His kingdom, we are one urbanite. And Jesus reminded us, “the kingdom of God has come near.” And His kingdom turns everything upside-down, bringing revolution. As His urbanites, our allegiance is to the kingdom of God, upholding its revolutionary values, and practicing shalom. Jesus said, “blessed are the shalom-makers, for they will be called children of God.” So, as beloved sons and daughters of God, we live out this prayer, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is heaven.”


Deeply rooted in God’s love, mystics engage God’s wisdom, a mystery revealed by the Spirit. In its essence, mysticism is simple dwelling in and encountering the presence of God, this being the heart of contemplative prayer. Today, there is a great need for a mystical dimension to guide us to be free in living and not be driven. Embracing spiritual disciplines, mystics practice a healthy balance between the inward and the outward realities of experiencing God. And it is exemplified in communal engagement, through the togetherness.

[Past Event]: Lent Meditation

Starting on February 22 & Every Wednesday till Easter

11 AM (Central)

[Past Event]: Ash Wednesday Evening Meditation

February 22, 2023

7 PM (Central)

[Past Event]: Guided Meditation

Every Wednesday

9 AM (Pacific) / 12 Noon (Eastern)

[Past Event]: Advent Meditation

Four Wednesdays

9 AM (Pacific) / 12 Noon (Eastern)

  • 1st Wed of Advent: 11/30/2022
  • 2nd Wed of Advent: 12/7/2022

  • 3rd Wed of Advent: 12/14/2022

  • 4th Wed of Advent: 12/21/2022

is a Ministry of ReWire